ideas and perceptions on Time, Religion, Astromony and Reality... among other things.

29 de julio de 2013

Wisdom with no method is confinement - words by Dalai Lama

Combining wisdom and method

However, wisdom alone is not enough. No matter how sharp an axe is, it requires a handle and a person to swing it. In the same way, while meditation on emptiness is the key practice, it must be supported and given direction by method. Many Indian masters, including Dharmakirti and Shantideva, have asserted this to be so. For example, meditation upon the four noble truths includes contemplation of sixteen aspects of these truths, such as impermanence, suffering, and so forth. Then, because we must share our world with others there are the meditations on love, compassion and the bodhicitta, the enlightened attitude of wishing for enlightenment in order to be of greatest benefit to others. This introduces the six perfections, or the means of accomplishing enlightenment—generosity, discipline, patience, energy, meditation and wisdom. The first five of these must act as supportive methods in order for the sixth, wisdom, to become stable.

25 de julio de 2013

22 de julio de 2013

Ida & Pingala

Nadis are not nerves but rather channels for the flow of consciousness. The word nadi comes from the Sanskrit root nad meaning "channel", "stream", or "flow". Just as the negative and positive forces of electricity flow through complex circuits, in the same way, prana shako (vital force) and manas shako (mental force) flow through every part of our body via these nadis. According to the tantras there are 72,000 or more such channels or networks through which the stimuli flow like an electric current from one point to another.

In particular prana (active) is supposed to circulate inside Pingala, while apana (passive) is supposed to circulate inside Ida. Inside Sushumna is supposed to circulate kundalini when awakened.[3] The Ida and Pingala nadis are often seen as referring to the two hemispheres of the brain. Pingala is the extroverted (Active), solar nadi, and corresponds to the right hand side of the body and the left hand side of the brain. Ida is the introverted, lunar nadi, and corresponds to the left hand side of the body and the right hand side of the brain (there is a contralateralization).

Chakra is the power center associated with the subtle body of man. Each chakra is ruled by an incarnation of Goddess Parashakti.

utmost importance:

the Medullar Sushumna, which interpenetrates the cerebrospinal axis from the perineum to the juncture of the lamboid and sagittal suture of the cranium, and it is associated with both nostrils being open and free to the passage of air.

the solar Serpentine Pingala of the right side, red color, positive polarity. It is associated with masculine attributes, the Yang element of Chinese philosophy, and an open right nostril. is associated with solar energy. The word pingala means "tawny" in Sanskrit. Pingala has a sunlike nature and male energy. Its temperature is heating and courses from the left testicle to the right nostril. It corresponds to the river Yamuna. The Ida and Pingala nadis are often seen as referring to the two hemispheres of the brain. Pingala is the extroverted, solar nadi, and corresponds to the left hand side of the brain. Ida is the introverted, lunar nadi, and refers to the right hand side of the brain.

The 'lunar Serpentine Ida' of the left side, of a pale color, negative polarity. It is associated with feminine attributes, the Yin element of Chinese philosophy, and an open left nostril; Ida is associated with lunar energy sometime it is based on solar energy. The word ida means "comfort" in Sanskrit. Idā has a moonlike nature and female energy with a cooling effect. It courses from the right testicle to the left nostril and corresponds to the Ganges river. Ida nadi controls all the mental processes while Pingala nadi controls all the vital processes.

correspondencia con la alquimia

In the East, the symbol of the two serpents twisting on the rod corresponds to the two currents Pingala and Ida which coil around the Merudanda: the first is red, hot and dry, likened to the Sun and the Alchemic Sulphur; the second, Ida, is cold and wet, like the Alchemic Mercury and is correlated with the Moon for its silver pallor.

18 de julio de 2013


Between me and success there's only myself.

13 de julio de 2013

el bosco y la alquimia

detalle del panel derecho del triptico "el jardin de las delicias" (1480-1505) por El Bosco.

este panel esta lleno de imagenes escatologicas (fin del mundo) no convencionales. hay elementos de la imagineria de el bosco que no se encuentran para nada en sus contemporaneos (basada en imagenes de cristo o relatos biblicos). segun este autor que estoy leyendo, estas imagenes son alegorias a la alquimia como ciencia (quimica), no desde un lugar de hereje como varios habian dicho, sino en analogia con el misticismo cristiano (la "transubstanciacion" de cristo -eucaristia- por ejemplo), siendo dios creador del mundo, el alquemista (quimico) maestro.
y ese panel lleno de imagenes escatologicas hace referencia al proceso de "conjuro" (laboratorio) de la alquimia. se decia que habia 3 etapas: el "matrimonio" (cuando se unen 2 sustancias opuestas para crear algo nuevo), la "multiplicacion" (cuando se producen los cambios quimicos) y la ultima, representada en ese panel, es la "putrefaccion".

la ausencia de dios

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