ideas and perceptions on Time, Religion, Astromony and Reality... among other things.

5 de marzo de 2013

Tārā Blanca - Chakra Cinta

Tibetans think of Tārā as having 21 manifestations, each having different energies or virtues.

White Tārā is known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra. She offers healing to our wounds, whether it's in our bodies or mind. She is very close to sentient being like a mother to her child. That pure compassion is symbolized in the white color, which is also indicates the undifferentiated truth of Dharma.
She is sitted in a meditative lotus position and has 7 eyes, symbolizing her compassionate vigilance to the suffering of the world. Her left hand is in a protective mudra and her right one in a wish-granting mudra. In her left hand she usually holds a stem of the Utpala Lotus flower with three blossoms, this represents the Buddhas of past, present and future. Over hear head is usually portrayed an image of Amitabha, the Buddha of longevity.

Love(cinta) is usually defined as a strong affection for another, as a strong regard for and dedication to someone.
But love can also be seen as a form of energy(chakra). We already know that all matter is energy in movement. Even the most solid objects are built from energy. We ourselves are energy. The source of this energy is love. Love is the highest form of energy.

Energy vibrates at different frequencies, Love at the highest. Love has been seen as the greatest energy of life or the unified field of consciousness.

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