ideas and perceptions on Time, Religion, Astromony and Reality... among other things.

24 de junio de 2011

on google street view and contemporary expierence

"This very way of recording our world, this tension between an automated camera and a human who seeks meaning, reflects our modern experience. As social beings we want to matter and we want to matter to someone, we want to count and be counted, but loneliness and anonymity are more often our plight."
"We are bombarded by fragmentary impressions and overwhelmed with data, but we often see too much and register nothing. In the past, religion and ideologies often provided a framework to order our experience; now, Google has laid an imperial claim to organize information for us. Sergey Brin and Larry Page have compared their search engines to the mind of God and proclaimed as their corporate motto, “do no evil.”Although the Google search engine may be seen as benevolent, Google Street Views present a universe observed by the detached gaze of an indifferent Being. Its cameras witness but do not act in history. For all Google cares, the world could be absent of moral dimension."
"The collections of Street Views both celebrate and critique the current world. To deny Google’s power over framing our perceptions would be delusional, but the curator, in seeking out frames within these frames, reminds us of our humanity."


22 de junio de 2011

logos rhythm - Spira mirabilis

la espiral logaritmica tiene la propiedad matematica de autosimilaridad (el objeto es exacta o parcialmente similar a una parte de si mismo): el tamaño de la espiral crece sin alterar la forma.

time as a function, past -and future- lies INside the present.

20 de junio de 2011

on logarithms -and time

(los logaritmos, por decirlo de algun modo, dividen un problema en problemas mas pequeños y mas simples, y juntos hacen a la solucion de un superproblema).

el ser humano crece logaritmicamente. rapido al nacer, lento en la adultez.
la percepcion del tiempo es inversa, parece pasar muy lento en la niñez y muy rapido en la adultez.

as a function, past -and future- lies INside the present.

18 de junio de 2011

13 de junio de 2011

sospecha de Arcturus

me lance hacia las estrellas,
distantes, azules, celestiales.
el cosmos, belleza.

hice todo lo que no tenia que hacer: no ver el mapa celeste.
pero como saber leer el mapa sin conocer el territorio primero?
asi que rompi el hielo y elegi por azar un punto cualquiera.

things i've learned

Do. Make. Experience is a better teacher than books.

on photography ii

it's not about capture, but creation.

2 de junio de 2011

on photography

la mejor foto es la que no capturo, por decision o destino.
aunque luego frunza el ceño y me muerda los labios por la ocasion/evento/suceso perdida, esfumada, nunca materializada.
pero es ese remordimiento el que permite grabar cada detalle -el color de la luz, la profundidad de las sombras, el ritmo del recuadro... y ese sentimiento de anelo y extraño, como si el mundo fuese una postal o un souvenir al que vuelvo cada tanto por un recuerdo- como si mi cerebro fuese madera, y la luz del recuerdo -el anelo- es la tinta multiplica la imagen cada vez que cierro los ojos.

y ahi permanece entero, eterno.

the best picture is the one uncaptured, by fate or decision.
albeit I then may frown and bite my lips for the missed occasion. vanished, never materialized.
but is the remorse what engraves every detail -the color of light, the depth of the shadows, the rhythm of the frame... and that feeling of eagerness and longing, as if the world was a postcard from a place ive been, and shot would break its spell- as if my brain was made from stone, and the light of memory -the eagerness- is the ink that multiplies the image... each time I close my eyes.

and there they remain entire, eternal.
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