ideas and perceptions on Time, Religion, Astromony and Reality... among other things.

27 de abril de 2011

i ♥ rilke

"shine, oh keep on shinning!
Make me known to the distant stars…"
To the Angel

"I have great faith in all things not yet spoken.
I want my deepest pious feelings freed.
What no one yet has dared to risk and warrant
will be for me a challenge i must meet"

14 de abril de 2011


como dijo Hipocrates:
Life is short,
art* long,
opportunity fleeting,
experiment dangerous,
judgment difficult.

* art, interpreted as craft, technique

como dijo Caetano:
A vida é amiga da arte
É a parte que o sol me ensinou

11 de abril de 2011


y todo lo que uno hace,
en sumatoria la propia existencia,
como un aplauso dentro de un domo,
eco de una onda enterna

and anything one makes,
in summation one's sheer existence,
as a clap inside a dome, remains
echo of an eternal wave
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