ideas and perceptions on Time, Religion, Astromony and Reality... among other things.

28 de diciembre de 2011


6 de enero.
La Epifanía, la aparición de la divinidad, la visión de algo mas grande y mejor que nosotros mismos (que nuestro ego).

Este cuadro es de uno de los pintores que mas me gustan, rogier van der weyden.

El homenaje ofrecido por Los tres Reyes magos, quienes representan los tres continentes conocidos en esa época (Europa, Asia y África) y/o las tres edades del Hombre, al rey de reyes.
Los reyes, siguiendo la luz de la estrella de Belén encontraron a Cristo recién nacido en la humbildad de un pesebre.
El rey mas viejo, Gaspar, representa Asia considerado el continente mas noble dado que ahí esta Jerusalén, el centro del mundo. Gaspar le ofrece oro, símbolo del poder.
Melchor, el rey de mediana edad, representa Europa y le ofrece incienso como símbolo del sacerdocio de Cristo.
El mas joven, Baltasar, África, ofrece mirra* como símbolo de la Pasión y sacrificio de Cristo en la cruz.

*en Egipto, la mirra era utilizada en el proceso de momificacion, para rellenar el cuerpo del muerto y asegurar al fallecido la supervivencia de "millones de años" -una vez que haya sido "justificado" y "transfigurado".

12 de diciembre de 2011

the universal man

"Universal Man" illumination from Hildegard's Liber Divinorum Operum, 1165

Você já tá pra lá de Marraqueche

11 de diciembre de 2011

La historia de estos moleskin zapatos

Amidst a style mind trip, browsing the web and exploring worlds and concepts of both personal style and signification, I came across these vintage shoes -fairly priced. I liked them. That night -or the following- I dreamed I was wearing. So I bought them. A few days passed without news or confirmation of my purchase till I received a cancellation because they were stained. The shopowner and I exchanged emails of apology and domage respectively, culminating in a very kind offer from her to ship them all the same... as a gift.
And here I am, wearing the gifted shoes, like in my dream.

Fantastic w capital F

When there is doubt and uncertainty, there is fantastic art.

Or... in my words :

When in doubt, fantasize.

The underestimated Reality

"Nothing is so fantastically overwhelming as the authentic, nothing so incredible as real reality."
Rainald Goetz

1 de diciembre de 2011


at the nowness party, Art Basel Miami Beach. Where I realize I dont like the word nowness. it means nothing... literally.

23 de noviembre de 2011

21 de noviembre de 2011

medieval maths

Woodcut from the Divina Proportione, Luca Pacioli 1509, Venice, depicting the golden proportion as it applies to the human face.

"Medieval European interest in mathematics was driven by concerns quite different from those of modern mathematicians. One driving element was the belief that mathematics provided the key to understanding the created order of nature, frequently justified by Plato's Timaeus and the biblical passage (in the Book of Wisdom) that God had ordered all things in measure, and number, and weight."

17 de noviembre de 2011


The School of Athens - fresco by Raffaello Sanzio

12 de noviembre de 2011

11 de noviembre de 2011

right now

11:11 11/11/11

8 de noviembre de 2011

hoy me desperte en medio de un sueño

del cual no me podia despertar.

7 de noviembre de 2011

bangs - an analisys

-es mucho trabajo
-trae dolor de cabeza
es un mal necesario para las personas de frente angosta

6 de noviembre de 2011

5 de noviembre de 2011

creating space

Folding the spacial carpet in two
Merging polar opposites into one
-north and south, silence and sound-
Another revolution
In the revolving wheel of time
Om shanti shanti shanti

3 de noviembre de 2011

penny loafers


y hoy me corte el pelo. mi psiquis viene pidiendo un cambio que materialice el cambio de estado civil. hice una pequeña actualizacion de look: flequillo. igual... mas que actualizacion deberia haber dicho regresion, lo tengo mas o menos como lo tenia en 5to año.

Florence + the machine

Building blocks of style

Coherence - it has to make sense as a whole.
Dialectic eloquence - it has to say something...
Element of surprise - a somewhat original way.

1 de noviembre de 2011

Things i want to learn in the near future

Dancing waltz and/or tap

post-published note: the next morning i recieved an email from amazon with "Printing" books recommendations. thanks universe :)

31 de octubre de 2011

Lucid dreaming

Keep a dream journal
In your dreams and during the day do the following :
_pull one of your fingers
_turn on and off light switches
_read text

29 de octubre de 2011

Jasper jones

Is this a flag or a painting?

Music, the new religion

i can't say i agree with it, but -at least in the states- this is clearly true. music has been closely tied to religion, even st augustine said "sing is praying twice". music has a power: to bring people together, to connect people. it transgresses the limits of language and goes beyond logical thinking. it moves our bodies, breakthrough blocked areas. it channels energy. music is the language of the soul.

monk fish

Medieval me.

Bible sentiment analisys

24 de octubre de 2011


"cherished deity", a worshipper's favourite deity, the form of God which inspires them the most.

yidam, a deity that you yourself have chosen. this deity has no existence, it's a picture. it's to put in your mind the idea of a deity and it will achieve life insofar you make this your deity. and then this deity becomes your guide for your life. this happens to be mine (deity of reading). everything i know i got it from reading. and when i meet buddhas, yogis and what not, i interpret them in terms of my reading. i put this in front of the buddha himself and this is what holds you. other people would have other chosen deities. but stick to your chosen deity. it's your way. and the whole buddha world will come to your knowledge through whatever your deity is.

i call these the most sophisticated notion of deity that i know. the notion of a chosen deity that is going to be your guide.
Joseph Campbell

Hinduism teaches Ekam Sadvipraha Bahudha Vadanti, "While Truth is One, the Names are Many".

21 de octubre de 2011

19 de octubre de 2011

14 de octubre de 2011

13 de octubre de 2011


mediante el presente post empiezo una tag.

cuppa tea


11 de septiembre de 2011

my wedding week

Sera una señal de los dioses? De manifestacion de gracia divina?

2 de septiembre de 2011

Aum ॐ

is the sound that is not made by any two things striking together.
the sound of the energy of the universe of which all things are manifestations. the sound of the radiance of god.
all words are simply fragments of Aum.

the four stages of ॐ

"a" - waking consciousness. ego consciousness. duality. Aristotelian logic: a is not (not a).
"u" - dream consciousness. when you dream you are surprised by your dream, yet your dream is you. you, as subject, are surprised by your self as object. you seem to be two, you and your dream, but you are one. subject and object are the same. this is the midway point to transcendance, to realize relationship as identity. gods, heavens and hells are the cosmic aspects of dreams. and dreams are the personal aspect of myths.
"m" - deep dreamless sleep. consciousness.

eternity is in love with the forms of time

gita govinda

a love poem

1 de septiembre de 2011

more than this....

... you know there is nothing.

jesus as bodhisattva

"the idea of the bodhisattva is the one who out of his realization of transcendence participates in the world. that-s the idea of the christ, in his love for the world coming to be crucified, participating in the crucifixion... intentionally... with joy. what's the invitation of christ? the invitation is joyful participation in the sorrows of the world... if you read it this way. there is a wonderful dialogue here, when you think of the christ in the way of the buddha. these are two folk emphasis of the same elementary idea. the buddha tells you "you are it", alright, what's the invitation of christ? the invitation of christ is joyful participation, "come in to the crucifixion with joy, not fear, not desire". and it's a rapture."
-joseph campbell

9 muses

goddesses who inspire the creation of literature and the arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge, related orally for centuries in the ancient culture, that was contained in poetic lyrics and myths. The compliment to a real woman who inspires creative endeavor is a later idea.

Muse        Domain            Emblem
Calliope        Epic poetry    Writing tablet
Clio                History            Scrolls
Erato        Love poetry    Cithara (lyre family)
Euterpe        Song and poetry  Aulos (like a flute)
Melpomene       Tragedy            Tragic mask
Polyhymnia      Hymns            Veil
Terpsichore Dance            Lyre
Thalia        Comedy            Comic mask
Urania        Astronomy      Globe and compass

Harmony or the three graces

Goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity and fertility. from youngest to oldest: Aglaea ("Splendor"), Euphrosyne ("Mirth"), and Thalia ("Good Cheer").
Hans Baldung Grien
alemania 1541-1544
oleo en tabla
museo del prado

Two semi-nude youths hold a book from which one is reading. On the right, a third youth holds a lute in his hand, and has a viola at his feet. Three nude children complete the scene. The one in the foreground has a swan and a piece of sheet music. A snake wound around a tree in the background completes this allegorical representation whose complex reading alludes to life's pleasures: beauty, music and reading. Its interpretation becomes clearer when seen with its companion The Ages of Man and Death

Death, with his hourglass and broken spear, leads an old woman by the arm. She, in turn, seeks to drag along a young woman at the height of her beauty. A baby lies sleeping on the ground, alongside an owl. A desolate and eerie landscape serves as the sinister setting. Christ appears in the sky, and there is a cross in the sun.

This painting and its companion, Harmony or The Three Graces (P2219) belong to the artist's last period. Together they describe a complex but clear moralizing allegory that alludes to the fragility of human existence in general, and the destruction of beauty in particular. This one is characterized by a tenebrous Germanic expressionism that tends to move the viewer in the manner of a vanitas, a reminder of the brevity of life.

corpus hermeticum

pagina de "practica musica" de gaffurius. ver: 3 graces, 9 muses.

31 de agosto de 2011

Chief Seattle's letter

"The President in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. But how can you buy or sell the sky? the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? Every part of the earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every meadow, every humming insect. All are holy in the memory and experience of my people. We know the sap which courses through the trees as we know the blood that courses through our veins. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters. The bear, the deer, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the dew in the meadow, the body heat of the pony, and man all belong to the same family. The shining water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water, but the blood of our ancestors. If we sell you our land, you must remember that it is sacred. Each glossy reflection in the clear waters of the lakes tells of events and memories in the life of my people. The water's murmur is the voice of my father's father. The rivers are our brothers. They quench our thirst. They carry our canoes and feed our children. So you must give the rivers the kindness that you would give any brother. If we sell you our land, remember that the air is precious to us, that the air shares its spirit with all the life that it supports. The wind that gave our grandfather his first breath also received his last sigh. The wind also gives our children the spirit of life. So if we sell our land, you must keep it apart and sacred, as a place where man can go to taste the wind that is sweetened by the meadow flowers. Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our mother? What befalls the earth befalls all the sons of the earth. This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. One thing we know: our God is also your God. The earth is precious to him and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its creator. Your destiny is a mystery to us. What will happen when the buffalo are all slaughtered? The wild horses tamed? What will happen when the secret corners of the forest are heavy with the scent of many men and the view of the ripe hills is blotted with talking wires? Where will the thicket be? Gone! Where will the eagle be? Gone! And what is to say goodbye to the swift pony and then hunt? The end of living and the beginning of survival. When the last red man has vanished with this wilderness, and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, will these shores and forests still be here? Will there be any of the spirit of my people left? We love this earth as a newborn loves its mother's heartbeat. So, if we sell you our land, love it as we have loved it. Care for it, as we have cared for it. Hold in your mind the memory of the land as it is when you receive it. Preserve the land for all children, and love it, as God loves us. As we are part of the land, you too are part of the land. This earth is precious to us. It is also precious to you. One thing we know - there is only one God. No man, be he Red man or White man, can be apart. We ARE all brothers after all."

"el alma es un circulo"

- dijo Platon.

30 de agosto de 2011

modernidad y fotografia

(un chat con mama)

en un documental que vi hace poco, un artista decia que el rasgo fundamental de la modernidad es la auto-reflexion.

modernidad como corriente cultural: el psicoanalisas, canto a mi mismo de Whitman, Einstein...
la exploracion de los propios sentimientos en contraposicion con el "cumplir un rol asignado en la sociedad".

la fotografia es el icono de esta era, no importa si entervenida o no. porque es el intrumento que pone en evidencia lo que trasciende al undividuo: el TIEMPO.

cuestion... que el modernismo devino en narcisismo.
ahora vamos en busca de el centro que implica aceptar lo que es y a partir de alli construir.

Jorge Luis Borges, segun Google

Life magazine

"To see life; to see the world; to eyewitness great events; to watch the faces of the poor and the gestures of the proud; to see strange things-machines, armies, multitudes, shadows in the jungle and on the moon; to see man's work-his paintings, towers, and discoveries; to see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to; the women that men love and many children; to see and take pleasure in seeing; to see and be amazed; to see and be instructed..."
— Henry Luce
November 23, 1936

16 de agosto de 2011

momento para el recuerdo

lejos de fancy, alquilamos una testigo. era negra, tipico aspecto de empleado estatal, pero simpatica.
el "ministro" o como quiera que se llame, negro tambien, llevaba una oversized tunica negra y oversized anteojos de marco cuadrado, un aspecto dudoso. nos hicieron parar bajo un arco de flores artificiales. todo parecia un set de filmacion trucho...

10 de agosto de 2011

9 de agosto de 2011

8 de agosto de 2011

on photography

"You have to pay your dues to the photography gods" - Sally Mann

2 de agosto de 2011

life is but a dream

Durante el ultimo mes, por lo menos tres veces sucedio ordenadamente lo siguiente:

En reclusion artistica, escucho una playlist (de menos de 10 canciones) repetidamente por dos o tres dias, sin salir afuera.
Luego salgo a algun bar o evento publico donde una de las canciones suena en los altoparlantes. Curiosamente tambien se repite -por lo menos una vez.

Como si no fuera lo suficientemente creativa para crear -o soñar- la realidad exterior.

18 de julio de 2011

14 de julio de 2011

9 de julio de 2011

24 de junio de 2011

on google street view and contemporary expierence

"This very way of recording our world, this tension between an automated camera and a human who seeks meaning, reflects our modern experience. As social beings we want to matter and we want to matter to someone, we want to count and be counted, but loneliness and anonymity are more often our plight."
"We are bombarded by fragmentary impressions and overwhelmed with data, but we often see too much and register nothing. In the past, religion and ideologies often provided a framework to order our experience; now, Google has laid an imperial claim to organize information for us. Sergey Brin and Larry Page have compared their search engines to the mind of God and proclaimed as their corporate motto, “do no evil.”Although the Google search engine may be seen as benevolent, Google Street Views present a universe observed by the detached gaze of an indifferent Being. Its cameras witness but do not act in history. For all Google cares, the world could be absent of moral dimension."
"The collections of Street Views both celebrate and critique the current world. To deny Google’s power over framing our perceptions would be delusional, but the curator, in seeking out frames within these frames, reminds us of our humanity."


22 de junio de 2011

logos rhythm - Spira mirabilis

la espiral logaritmica tiene la propiedad matematica de autosimilaridad (el objeto es exacta o parcialmente similar a una parte de si mismo): el tamaño de la espiral crece sin alterar la forma.

time as a function, past -and future- lies INside the present.

20 de junio de 2011

on logarithms -and time

(los logaritmos, por decirlo de algun modo, dividen un problema en problemas mas pequeños y mas simples, y juntos hacen a la solucion de un superproblema).

el ser humano crece logaritmicamente. rapido al nacer, lento en la adultez.
la percepcion del tiempo es inversa, parece pasar muy lento en la niñez y muy rapido en la adultez.

as a function, past -and future- lies INside the present.

18 de junio de 2011

13 de junio de 2011

sospecha de Arcturus

me lance hacia las estrellas,
distantes, azules, celestiales.
el cosmos, belleza.

hice todo lo que no tenia que hacer: no ver el mapa celeste.
pero como saber leer el mapa sin conocer el territorio primero?
asi que rompi el hielo y elegi por azar un punto cualquiera.

things i've learned

Do. Make. Experience is a better teacher than books.

on photography ii

it's not about capture, but creation.

2 de junio de 2011

on photography

la mejor foto es la que no capturo, por decision o destino.
aunque luego frunza el ceño y me muerda los labios por la ocasion/evento/suceso perdida, esfumada, nunca materializada.
pero es ese remordimiento el que permite grabar cada detalle -el color de la luz, la profundidad de las sombras, el ritmo del recuadro... y ese sentimiento de anelo y extraño, como si el mundo fuese una postal o un souvenir al que vuelvo cada tanto por un recuerdo- como si mi cerebro fuese madera, y la luz del recuerdo -el anelo- es la tinta multiplica la imagen cada vez que cierro los ojos.

y ahi permanece entero, eterno.

the best picture is the one uncaptured, by fate or decision.
albeit I then may frown and bite my lips for the missed occasion. vanished, never materialized.
but is the remorse what engraves every detail -the color of light, the depth of the shadows, the rhythm of the frame... and that feeling of eagerness and longing, as if the world was a postcard from a place ive been, and shot would break its spell- as if my brain was made from stone, and the light of memory -the eagerness- is the ink that multiplies the image... each time I close my eyes.

and there they remain entire, eternal.

23 de mayo de 2011

i ♥ W. Eugene Smith

"let the self generate it's own photographs. become a camera."

"Negatives are the notebooks, the jottings, the false starts, the whims, the poor drafts, and the good draft but never the completed version of the work... The print and a proper one is the only completed photograph, whether it is specifically shaded for reproduction, or for a museum wall. Negatives are private, as is my bedroom." From W. Eugene Smith's letter to Life, refusing to allow the magazine to have possession of his negatives.

19 de mayo de 2011

espiritualismo historico - introduccion

religion is family and ancestors. religion is where we come from.

the history of religion is the history of language.
and language is a window to our cosmovision, a tool forthe mindto make sense of the external inputs.

27 de abril de 2011

i ♥ rilke

"shine, oh keep on shinning!
Make me known to the distant stars…"
To the Angel

"I have great faith in all things not yet spoken.
I want my deepest pious feelings freed.
What no one yet has dared to risk and warrant
will be for me a challenge i must meet"

14 de abril de 2011


como dijo Hipocrates:
Life is short,
art* long,
opportunity fleeting,
experiment dangerous,
judgment difficult.

* art, interpreted as craft, technique

como dijo Caetano:
A vida é amiga da arte
É a parte que o sol me ensinou

11 de abril de 2011


y todo lo que uno hace,
en sumatoria la propia existencia,
como un aplauso dentro de un domo,
eco de una onda enterna

and anything one makes,
in summation one's sheer existence,
as a clap inside a dome, remains
echo of an eternal wave

24 de febrero de 2011

internet es magia

y yo soy maga.

21 de febrero de 2011

estamos siempre comenzando

reactivando el camino neuronal
pero el tiempo no espera
y la vida continua
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